
Musings: Trust...

"It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself." Graham Greene 

Musings: Trust... The Croton Aqueduct

Small Stones #15 
Much around me is changing...
I must trust the process or fall flat.
It is better to trust and hold unto hope...
Than to give in to fear and loss.
I see new paths forging ahead.

What are small stones?
  According to the originators of this wonderful exercise, a small stone is a short piece of writing (prose or poetry) that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment. The process of discovering small stones is as important as the finished product. Searching for small stones will encourage you to keep all your senses; - your eyes,(and ears, nose, mouth, fingers, feelings and mind) open.

"Trust instinct to the end, even though you can give no reason."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Musings: Trust...The Grim Reaper

My father knew him...
They had crossed paths in the war
May 9, his last tour...

This week, the prompt/word is: Death

What is a haiku?
 As Leo of Haiku Heights aptly explains, a haiku is a three line poem. It shows what the author wants us to understand from it, rather than tell it directly. The limitation to a haiku is seventeen syllables. It can be at maximum, that much. If you wish to go by the traditional Japanese structure even with English haiku, you can use a 5-7-5 syllable, or 3-5-3 syllable structure
More below!


"The highest compact we can make with our fellow is: Let there be truth between us two forevermore" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Musings: Trust... The Four Seasons

Small Stones #15
Just as the four seasons come and go...
Nature's children know her form.
We, too, will find our footing on firm soil
And grow strong with the changing landscape
Trusting all will fall into its rightful, rhythmic place
Like the seasons...

What are small stones?
  According to the originators of this wonderful exercise, a small stone is a short piece of writing (prose or poetry) that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment. The process of discovering small stones is as important as the finished product. Searching for small stones will encourage you to keep all your senses; - your eyes,(and ears, nose, mouth, fingers, feelings and mind) open.

Some Food for Thought: How do you building trust in changing times?  Take a moment to contemplate what Trust means to you? Love and Peace in 2013.

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: The Croton Aqueduct  and the Collage of The Four Seasons via  my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet 


  1. I love the photos of the treelined dirt roads on top. Makes me nostalgic of my childhood summers spent in the province.

  2. I trust in the great good that the universe is sending our way... :-)

  3. Beautiful photos! How do we cultivate trust? Well it starts by being open, and accepting that others may or may not be the same to you, and still putting your faith in them. That's what i think. :)

  4. Great photos! And yes, tama ka nga po... ask, believe, receive!

  5. Thank you Jellybelly. It's my favorite walking path and I'm on it several times a week. It has been a great blessing too. :-)

  6. The conjunction of words with pictures is delightful.

  7. TY Vera! I like your insight on the subject... Sometimes, we come to the realization that trust doesn't exist between two people and it's time to bless them and move on... ;-)

  8. TY Rizza! I totally believe that we can ask and receive... It might not be the way we want it or what we think we deserve, but we receive our blessings. :-)

  9. TY Vivin for checking in... We share Tilly as blog friends too. I enjoyed visiting your blog. ;-)

  10. beautiful collage of the four seasons and i love your stone 15- philosophical and wise.

  11. I love the line Hold unto Hope. Yes, we must never lose sight of hope and forever hold on to it.

  12. TY Rashmenon! I appreciate the feedback.The collage was created with Pixlr express. :-)

  13. Mys TY! I agree. Hope is an important quality to learn.

  14. very powerfully written haiku. I am new to this site, but loved the epospositive vibes it emanates

  15. Thank you for your visit to my small observational piece. Trust is a unique road. One that can sometimes be illuminated,and other times exist as a thread in shadow. May we all continue to hold hands as we find the illuminated path.

    I like many haiku forms also, including tanka, renga and the American style 'lune' - you might also like the the Dutch poetic form of Elfje -

    Continued success & Cheers.

  16. I love your website and have signed up to follow x It is a great treasure to find on a cold day x Thank you for sharing your creativity x

  17. Contemplating change and trust - I love the dichotomy in this! Beautiful website! Thanks for visiting mine

  18. Nice haiku and pictures :)

  19. I love your posts, powerful. This one really resonates because things are changing for me as well. Great photo's...

  20. A lovely mosaic to go with your words on trust!

  21. Rallentenda,
    I do hope we can learn to trust at any age... I get your point though because after a certain age, we know the patterns, we have our memories, we've fixed our vision... But that is why change can be liberating. TY! :-)

  22. TY Meenakshi for stopping by! I've had this site longer than my WordPress site but didn't put enough time into it over the years... I'm glad to add content to it again as I love the space and the calm I feel when I write here. :-)

  23. TY Jules for your comment and tips. I will check out your suggestions and explore... I have to say that haiku is addictive. Something about those few clean lines... love it. :-)

  24. TY heavenhappens, I've been a bit AWOL on my WordPress site as I figure out a way to stay connected and still keep both vital. I appreciate the feedback and follow and will do same. :-)

  25. TY WabiSabi for the feedback and for connecting with me on WordPress too... I'm enjoying the quiet contemplative moments here as I gear up for change and movement... Many thanks! :-)

  26. Hi Tigerbrite,
    TY for checking in and leaving a comment... Much appreciated. :-)

  27. TY Dana,
    It's good to hear from someone who is going through change too... Helps me maintain the balance and perspective I need to grow... Merci! :-)

  28. TY Barb! I appreciate the visit and enjoyed visiting your blog too. :-)

  29. The images are simply fabulous, loved the quotes you have integrated into your post

  30. I'm so glad you're doing the stones, another way for you to send your message of help and inspiration.

  31. Nice post really like the pictures

  32. I enjoyed your small stones and photos,,,,the line
    "I must trust the process or fall flat." resonates with me. I believe that we need to keep on moving forward and trust is part of our ability to do that. Some of your photos remind me of home,,,there are similar places all over our planet aren't there? Thank you for directing me your way,,,

  33. There's something about looking at pictures of roads or paths that seem to get smaller the farther they go up ahead. It gives you something to look forward to, beyond what you can see...the uncertainty and yet you want to know what lies ahead.

  34. TY Reshma, I appreciate the kindness ! ;-)

  35. TY Gilly! It's helping and inspiring me. :-)

  36. Hi poetryajar, Glad you like the photos. I took them myself. ;-)

  37. Ellecee! TY so much for you e kind words... The small stones have calmed me a bit... I'm enjoying them... Humbling too. :-)

  38. Great observation Aileen. I like that perspective too. TY! :)

  39. TY for checking in Anthony. I appreciate the feedback! ;-)

  40. Love the photos! Beautiful :)Nice to "meet" you. I am always seeking to draw positive people into my path.

  41. This is the second time this week that I encountered a trust-themed post. Serendipity?

  42. Oh Elizabeth, I love your small stones, very deep and positive. Your haiku is poignant and beautifully written. Welcome aboard, my dear friend.

  43. Such beautiful photos, and I loved reading your smallstones!
    I'll only blog about them in one blog post when January is over, but do share them on FB and G+ :)

  44. Very good take on the prompt. I wish my father didn't know him. His last tour was January 14th :(

  45. TY Trinny! A pleasure to meet you too and doing my best to visit all. Appreciate the visit. :-)

  46. Hi Maan, Serendipity? I'd say yes and take a look at the theme in your surroundings again. Silence came up for me this season and I stepped back from blogging a bit and trying to figure a schedule that will be easier on me and my loved ones. TY!

  47. TY estrella05azul for visiting again! I'm grateful for everyone who stops by, and I plan to stay connected. :-)

  48. TY Hazel! I'm sorry for your loss... I wish my dad didn't know death too, but we hold our memories of him close. :-)

  49. Nicely done. Thank you for sharing.

  50. TY for checking in and leaving a comment. I appreciate the visit. :-)


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