
Inspiration: Release...

"You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, 'I release the need for this in my life'"  Wayne Dyer

Inspiration: Release...

Small Stones #14
Release what no longer serves you...
The plans we make to change
The ideas and wishes...
Wash them away
Release the need...

Release the tears and lingering hurts...
The recriminations we hope to use
The retributions and regrets too...
Sweep them, hose them
Release the pain...

Today, for my Small Stones #14, I am using one of the words on a list from Mamakat's weekly prompts.
Release is a word I've had to mull over a lot.

More below!

"Secrecy involves a tension which, at the moment of revelation, finds its release." Georg Simmel
Inspiration: Release...

Small Stones #7
Holding on to tired, old ideas
Like tired, old shoes...
Pretending they are new
Who do we really fool?
Time to embrace the revelation

Holding unto long, lost loves
Like tattered pictures, crumbling to dust...
Pretending they were soulmates
Who do we really fool?
Time to relinquish the unrequited

What are small stones?
  According to the originators of this wonderful exercise, a small stone is a short piece of writing (prose or poetry) that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment. The process of discovering small stones is as important as the finished product. Searching for small stones will encourage you to keep all your senses; - your eyes,(and ears, nose, mouth, fingers, feelings and mind) open.

Some Food for Thought: How are you releasing what no longer serves you?  Take a moment to contemplate what release means to you? Love and Peace.

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: IguacuRedwoods stream, via Wikipedia, Flickr or my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet 


  1. Sometimes we make plans and then other stuff happens and we just have to release our plans... God knows best. Spent the day in the hospital with a loved one and had to release my worries to the creator. Blessings to all!

  2. just the word im trying to look since yesterday... :-) iv been reorganizing my email and came across lots of old ones that used to hurt me and made me hate some people... :-) im glad im finally over all that... released, yes i am... :D

  3. Great photos of the watery scenes. I have lots of wooded areas near me with babbling brooks trickling through them and as such can walk through these and admire all the wildlife and scenery

  4. Hi Promding! I hear you.. we all need to release stuff and when we do, the feeling is great! TY! :)

  5. TY Phil! Where you live sounds lovely. I love water too as it's very soothing and helps with the creative process. TY! :-)

  6. Looking at those photos are so relaxing. What more if you're on it in person. Thanks for sharing these inspirational message.

  7. TY Jhari for stopping by... It's my focus these days to find balance and a chance to breathe... :-)

  8. For many years I've tried to release, I often think I'm managing and then something else comes along. All in all though I'm getting better at letting go.

  9. Hi Gilly (lucid gypsy), I feel the same way... a work in progress at letting go. ;-) TY!

  10. So true! Thanks for this piece of inspiration. :)

  11. Such a great post, I have been thinking a lot about realising some of my old notions as I can no longer pretend my old shoes are still new

  12. I do yoga several times a week to help release tension and stress!

  13. Ohh my goodness...after a LONG and stressful day, I really needed to read something like this. Thank you.

  14. I find it hard to release things. Yoga, dance, and other exercise help me do it. thank for the post.

  15. Stillness and solitude are my release methods as well as writing. Thanks for sharing!

  16. such a great inspiration..i agree, i find it hard to release things and i am still learning! I wish i could let it go and move forward..especially on a stressful day

  17. These are so lovely and relaxing - thankyou so much for sharing

  18. This can mean a lot of thing for me. For me, releasing means letting go of all negative energy.

  19. I love the idea of releasing past hurts. #14 really stuck with me. Thank you for sharing!

  20. It's so hard to let go sometimes. But, your post really hits the mark. Release is essential if you want peace of mind. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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