
Musings: Haiku & Small Stones To The Rescue...

"We're our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves." Tom Robbins

Musings: Haiku & Small Stones To The Rescue..

The dragon came late
For what I thought was a date
Save my egg, he coeed...

Love may be golden
Prince Charming at beck and call
More eggs to explore...

 This week, the prompt/word is: Rescue

What is a haiku?
 As Leo of Haiku Heights aptly explains, a haiku is a three line poem. It shows what the author wants us to understand from it, rather than tell it directly. The limitation to a haiku is seventeen syllables. It can be at maximum, that much. If you wish to go by the traditional Japanese structure even with English haiku, you can use a 5-7-5 syllable, or 3-5-3 syllable structure


"Humor does not rescue us from unhappiness, but enables us to move back from it a little." Mason Cooley

Musings: Haiku & Small Stones To The Rescue...  Mario the Maginficent

Small Stones #26
Maybe I always wanted to be rescued...
Maybe I waited too long
Maybe my Prince wasn't quite Mario the Magnificent
Maybe I labored too long
Maybe I didn't laugh enough
Maybe I wandered too long
But now, I like to buy my own eggs...

What are small stones?
  According to the originators of this wonderful exercise, a small stone is a short piece of writing (prose or poetry) that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment. The process of discovering small stones is as important as the finished product. Searching for small stones will encourage you to keep all your senses; - your eyes,(and ears, nose, mouth, fingers, feelings and mind) open.

More Below!

“What we do not see, what most of us never suspect of existing, is the silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those who fight on in the face of discouragement.” Napoleon Hill 

Musings: Haiku & Small Stones To The Rescue...

Small Stones #26
Honestly, sometimes I want to give up the fight
But something inside keeps me up...
Still, I'd like to be both the rescuer and the rescued
Saint George by chance will slay the dragon and save me.
Why not?

Some Food for Thought: Do you see yourself as a Rescuer or the Rescued?  Take a moment to contemplate what Rescue means to you? Love and Peace in 2013.

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: Varna dragonMario the Magnificent, Saint George, via Wikipedia, my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet 


  1. Both the haiku and small stones are beautifully written. I have my won share of experiences of having been rescued as if some invisible hand was on work. You will its echo in my haiku.

    Lord’s Play

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow ... loved the dragon story :-)

  3. TY so much for your feedback Meenakshi! I look forward to reading yours. ;-)

  4. TY GS! I decided to have a bit of humor with this one... Plus, many of us grew up with the idea of Prince Charming as ideal. :-)

  5. Nice one! Let me write my own haiku:

    Yellow darling butterfly came out the cocoon
    Playful, ravishing.
    Uttered a song and made me dance.

  6. Humor and faith rescued me!Great post, as usual. I love your positivity

  7. Humor and faith rescued me!Great post, as usual. I love your positivity

  8. I love poetry and I have always wanted to write a haiku. I will try it next time. :-)

  9. I love this! I have always loved dragons and dragon stories. The photos are wonderful!

  10. LOL at "buy my own eggs". I wish I was as prolific a writer as you.

  11. Nice dragon story. They are such fascinating mythical creaters aren't they.

  12. I sometimes feel I need to be rescued. Haha. Anyway, the haiku and beautiful stones were beautiful.

  13. Dragons and eggs - that was the best ever! Love the imagery, the concept, the haiku!

  14. Cintamuni,
    I love your poem... however, remember that haiku is quite specific. 5-7-5 syllables not words or 3-5-3 syllables TY! :-)

  15. Ty Marie! Humor and faith are a great combo. ;-)

  16. Cym, It is addictive and once you start, you'd love to continue... TY! :-)

  17. TY Dana! I was looking for prince charming and found the dragons... I love the photos too. :-)

  18. Olga you are so kind... You write beautifully too. You know, those words just came to me and I said, why not, add it. LOL! :-)

  19. Tigerbrite TY! Indeed they are and still remain a facination in our world... Give n how they all vanished. :-)

  20. ae mi lee TY! You are not alone... I appreciate your feedback. :-)

  21. TY Judith! I love your enthusiasm and had fun with the dragons... They sorta appeared out of the blue... Hmmm :-)

  22. Nice! Your words really do tell a story. :) The dragons look good too.

  23. I love the dragon statues and your haiku reads like a mythical fairytale. Nicely done!

  24. A wow for the Haiku and a wow for the image. Dragon seeking rescue is an interesting thought.

  25. Ty Vera! It wasn't even planned... just came to me and I went for it. :-)

  26. TY The Write Girl! Must catch up on your work too! Merci! :-)

  27. Reshma... interesting right? Didn't think of that until I read your comment... ha ha! TY! :-)

  28. Thanks for the above info. I am learning new things especially about Haiku!

  29. Your posts always hit the right spot, Eliz. In my case, I'm always the one who is rescued - by God. :-)

  30. TY Ron! Do try writing one some day... You'd love it too. :-)

  31. Maan TY! I love your comment... Rescued by God! :-)

  32. I want to rescue myself from this discouraging event at work.

  33. I need divine rescue from some difficulties I'm experiencing. TY!

  34. I believe in the fisrt one that each of us have their own positive and negative side. We are the one who made our mistakes and we must be the one to correct it.

  35. True Allan! That is why forgiveness is so important in relationships. We have to learn to forgive and move forward. TY! :-)

  36. "Save my egg, he coeedd' made me smile. I like that quote on saving ourselves from ourselves.

  37. Dragon story was cool..I loved your creativity..Wonderful...
    many thanks for dropping by my space sharing your thoughts on my writing ..Hope to see more of u on my pages..

  38. This is not just a beautiful haiku. It's a fabulous fairy tale as well. Wow. I am humbled at your feet on this one.


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