
Haiku: Just Go Run Your Race

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." John Bingham 


Keep Your Walls Up Joel Osteen

Focus on your goals
Don't let the haters rile you
Just go run your race...

Weapons won't prosper
You have favor on your side
Their stones won't hurt you

Focus on your dreams
Keep your eyes on the sweet prize
just go run your race...

Sometimes we bump against people who make us stop and think.  They are part of the group of people I like to refer to as necessary distractions. Haters. Why "necessary" distractions?  Because without the occasional interaction with the ornery set, we forget that life is made up of all sorts; friends and foe. We don't have to expend energy trying to win them over; it's a waste of time. What matters is that we take our energy and refocus it on our goals and gifts. Focus it on family and the civil. I was watching a great video from Joel Osteen and he pointed out that a study he read showed that life is made up of the following groups of people:

25% of  people won't like you and never will
25% of people won't like you, but could be persuaded to like you.
25% of people will like you but could be persuaded to dislike you.
25% of people will like you and stand by you no matter what.

What does this mean? It means we should distance ourselves from energy drainers, focus on our goals and go run our race. It is unrealistic to expect to be everything to everybody. Forget it.  My dad used to say that if you have one true friend in life that is a precious gift; if you have a few more, you are truly blessed. You don't need an arena of pseudo-friends. Surround yourself with mentors and people who lift you up. You should not mingle with detractors as they are emotional vampires. Choose your associations carefully, defend yourself when necessary, and go run your race.What matters is that you treat others fairly, create a protective barrier around yourself and never allow anyone to treat you like a doormat or deride you. How do you handle the groupings listed above?

More below!

"Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you'll win... channel your energy. Focus." Carl Lewis 

Focus on your dreams
Keep your eyes on the sweet prize
just go run your race...

The wicked will smile
Your protection is God sent
Their intentions failed

Focus on your goals
Don't let the haters rile you
Just go run your race...

 Three things I abhor are injustice, hypocrisy and selfishness. While others might shake their heads and stay quiet, I see no point in keeping quiet. I believe Silence = Death. Silence = Consent. So even if the behavior is not directed at me personally, I believe in speaking out. Some folks might not appreciate it, but what I say to them is: Why are you so disturbed by others pointing out such acts? Search yourself.  I volunteer for a domestic violence organization and during our training, we were reminded that there are several forms of violence against women; hitting is the most obvious, but verbal violence, bullying, psychological abuse (smile in your face, hurt you behind closed doors), and intimidation are also contributors.

Never give anyone permission to made you feel unworthy.  If you are maligned in public, defend yourself. If you are abused privately, speak to someone and please seek professional help. The longer we stay silent the greater the risk that the behavior will continue. As women, we tend to shy away from heated conversations because we see it as confrontational. As long as we remain respectful, there is nothing wrong with addressing a matter. State your position clearly and then move on. Remember, you have your own race to run. Refocus and move on. We might not be perfect, but we are all worthy. Do you think injustice is someone else's problem? Don't allow the poisonous noise from that first group of 25% to get to you.  Have a fabulous day!

 If you have any questions, please leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: London Olympics, Racing Cartoon via Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet 


  1. Those are interesting statistics. Isn't it weird how people don't like someone without ever getting to know them?

  2. Thanks so much for this information. I always try to center myself around positive people and it sure does make for a happier life by doing that.

  3. Such a great reminder! RUN your race! After all... we only have an audience of ONE!

  4. Wow! This is so powerful. You are an amazing writer. Thank you for sharing this!

  5. These are all great reminders that we have to keep telling ourselves everyday.

  6. I have to agree with this numbers. You can never please everyone and there is no point in trying.

  7. I don't listen to Joel Olsten-I have my own views & opinions but I get the message. Which is true yea and just the way it is but you shouldn't worry about what others think of you anyway. I learned this in elementary school from me being mixed people seem to get mad when your biracial which I'll never care to understand . I'm 28 now and this is my own intuitive mantra that came to me during my meditation - your only as good as the company you keep. Thanks for sharing

  8. Love this! So many people are always so worried about what everyone else thinks, instead of running their "race" in this thing we call life.

  9. Very cool!! Always keep you goals in focus.. and really there will always be people who will hate on you and what you are doing..

  10. This is such a powerful post. We all were created by God with a purpose and we can attain that purpose through God's power and not our own. No matter what anyone does or says, no matter what obstacles, we have to run our race

  11. Just go run your race. I like that. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I will be honest and say that I have let someone's words have an effect on how worth I feel. I have worked hard to get past that.

  13. I want to say the verse is in Hebrews but it refers to running the race of life. This post made me think of that .Very inspiring.

  14. It's so important to feel good about yourself and realize that you can't be everything to everyone. this is just confirmation of it. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Great post! I don't always agree with Joel Osteen but we do need to keep focused on what is really important. And not try to please people around us.

  16. I like the idea of using people who try to be obstacles as stones to get over the bumps, and prosper with our race. Joel Osteen always has a great, positive message. I listen to him if I want an instant perk me up!

  17. What great motivation! thank you very much for these beautiful reminders on staying positive, keeping courageous, and trusting your self worth. I especially love the line by John Bingham

  18. Thanks for the motivation and inspiration! It's great to read on a rainy day like today when you just donw want to moveeee! ;)

  19. Great advice! I always keep my goal on track. Very inspiring

  20. I definitely think just getting started is one of the biggest struggles. Once you get started running, or doing any other project or goal, you've accomplished a lot right there!

  21. That's an interesting break down of the different kinds of people you will come in contact with in your life (re: Joel Olsteen). I really believe in the percentages - they sound right.

  22. Being positive is a powerful thing. My life has changed so much since I stopped being so negative.

  23. Another inspirational post- I love this. I definitely needed to read this as I am battling my own confidence issues!

  24. Absolutely wonderful advice. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I totally agree - our silence is consent. I always try to stress that to my kids!

  26. Oh, I so hate hypocrisy too! UGH...and I totally agree about being silent. It's when those are silent that evil happens

  27. I definitely try to surround myself with people who will build me up and support me. There are always those who do nothing but bring negative energy, and it's best to stay clear!

  28. You are so right! I think we're immediately defeated when we allow ourselves to be!

  29. Everyone should have the strength to remain strong and focused on their goals and do not deviate from your dreams.

  30. Thanks for sharing this.was a frustrating day.bless you and yours.

  31. Decent advice, although not all that Christian. I doubt Jesus would have turned his back on someone simply because s/he was a bummer. We do have to protect ourselves from truly evil or draining individuals, but we also should remember that we ourselves are not always a bouquet of lollipops and sparklers. Put up boundaries if you must, but don't give up on anyone too quickly. Especially someone who at any point didn't give up on you.

  32. I had to cut a few close relatives of my life because the relationships were so toxic. I've never felt freer after I did!

  33. That looks awesome! Great photo too! Thanks a lot for sharing.

  34. Thank you for reminding me that I am blessed with my family and that my glass is half full :)


  36. Your words are so powerful and so convincing....I agree with every word you say .

  37. That is very powerful and motivational, thank you for posting that.I hope it has a gigantic affect on thousands of people.

  38. I have numerous health issues recently diagnosed with Parkinsons and my husband is a cancer survivor...I have always tried to stay positive throughout. I think this is what has helped me to get through the days, especially if I a having a difficult day. I am also blessed with a great husband and 4 wonderful children and two grandchildren. Thank you for the post..

  39. Wow this is very powerful! I have had those friends that were more of a foe and now I do focus on those that are more positive and not bringing me down but more importantly I am focusing on being one of the positive people!

  40. Such a great lesson... I love Joel Osteen

  41. This is so true! I try to surround myself with only positive people. I don't have the time or energy for negative people.

  42. This looks great they must love to run

  43. Very true. That 25% of people that will stand by you are the ones it is hardest to find. You would think family would fall into that. But not always.

  44. I like Joel Olsteen. HE is a very wise man. Thank you for the information.

  45. he is a very wise man this was a very great post to read and very true

  46. I love this, it helps you stay focused and think positively!

  47. I really believe in: distance ourselves from energy drainers

    slehan at juno dot com

  48. I believe we have to step out if Faith and let God direct our paths. He who makes no mistakes does nothing. Take a chance.

  49. Great points, and I'm sure everyone has been with people that seem to either eat them up and spot them out ,or just plan drain them, and keep coming back to drain you more. I seem to have a couple neighbors that are that way,I am never cold and curt to them, but I put them back in their own space and walk away,otherwise they drain me. I'm to easy a target and I know it. If they truly need help, I will list a few known places or people to call,but I never volunteer to do anything.It may sound cold,but I just can't go there any longer. Thanks for this haiku it gives me something new to reflect on


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