
Haiku: They Live In Our Hearts...

 To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”  Thomas Campbell

Haiku: they Live In Our Hearts - Sept 11 Tribute

We look at the sky
In hopes to find ... the missing
They live in our hearts

We reach out our hands
Pained to comfort ... the living
Shedding tears of grief

 The September 11 attacks left an indelible mark on our psyche. For several hours, many of us watched from our homes, from the streets, from NYC buildings and even globally as the nightmare unfolded. This is in honor of the memory of those lost on that day. There were 2,996 innocent lives lost on that day.
More below!

 “Friends come into our lives and friends leave our lives. But friends never leave our hearts. And best friends always get to stay in the best places in our hearts.” John M. Simmons 

Dust covered survivors
Friends lost family
Families searched for loved ones.
In vain, the pain grew..

As night fell on earth
Dark memories haunted us
They're Home, angels sang

How does one overcome such horrific events? It would take a lot of effort but as we know, grief is felt in many stages; Kübler-Ross's model of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, or acceptance. Acceptance can, sometimes, be the hardest stage.

 Some Food for Thought: Wher were you on September 11, 2001? Did you know anyone who passed away on that day? How do you pay tribute to the victims of that event? Sending all Love and Peace .
I would love to hear from you.  Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: Photos Sept 11 Light TributeDust covered victims, via Wikipedia.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet


  1. That was a day not many Americans will ever forget. I watched on TV in horror. Life will never be the same as someone took the innocence away. We will always have worry like now with ISIS, are they coming? Will it happen again?

  2. That was such a sad day. Definitely a day I will never forget.

  3. It was my first time to visit New York this year so September 11 is very much a concern for me now as well. Seeing a piece or brief of New York and one is awed and inspired and can't help but marvel what a truly magnifient melting pot of culture it is.

    beautiful poem too.


  5. It's the first thing I thought of when I woke up yesterday morning. :( I'm glad your wrote a tribute, it's awful to remember, but not something to forget.

  6. I remember coming home from work and opening the TV for some mindless entertainment. And then at the lower part of the screen came a news flash that there has been an attack to New York. I was in Finland but even from there, so far away, I felt reaching out to all those people suffering. I spent the rest of the afternoon wrapped in a blanket right in front of the TV waiting for more information and getting more scared as the time passed.

  7. I remember that whole week like it was yesterday. The day before Sept. 11 I went outside and found my dad passed out in the yard covered in blood. He had a woodworking accident that took off his finger and then he had passed out from the blood loss. So as that was still playing over and over in my head since I was the one that found him the very next day was Sept. 11. The next week was my birthday but was probably the worst one I ever had.

  8. I will NEVER forget that day or the aftermath. I had a client who worked and lived right behind those towers-thankfully he, his wife and all their animals made it out-it took a month for me to find them! I could have been there-but I was in Connecticut at another client that day. It took hours to contact people we knew to make sure they were okay and to let them know we were okay. I still can not look at an airplane flying overhead without shivering. I do not live in NYC-but very close-the stench reached my street and stayed for weeks. As all New Yorkers are-I am resilient-but it will always be there in my head and heart.

  9. I was in the Dominican Republic getting ready to see my grandma pass away. My sister was visiting my aunt in New York and her flight was delayed. I met Maureen Santora who is the author of two children books about her son, Christopher, who was the youngest victim... a firefighter who died on the scene. What a horrible day!

  10. I remember it very vividly. It was such a horrible feeling watching it all unfold. I pray for those who lost their family that day.

  11. This is such an emotional post, especially the pictures!

  12. I remember this day too well. It was scary and I know that a ton of innocent people lost their lives that day.

  13. This day is and always will be difficult. I lost a cousin in one of the towers but what made it harder is that he had three very young kids. He would be very proud of them, his wife did a marvelous job of raising them. Steven you will always live on in our hearts.

  14. I can remember every detail of that day. I don't know anyone that was there or that passed away from the tragedy, but it still affects me.

  15. This is a beautiful tribute. It's a hard day for our family.

  16. What a lovely Haiku! I live in NJ, just outside of NYC, and remember that day vividly. Although I didn't lose anyone that day, I know few people who have.

  17. The 9/11 memorial will always be in our hearts too. Life is irreplaceable.

  18. It was really a heartbreaking tragedy. Very sorrowful day.

  19. I still clearly remember that day. Pictures like above still brings tears to my eyes. Such a sad day for the world.

  20. Definitely a day I will never forget.

  21. Great memorial post. I still remember what I was doing the moment I found out. I truly think it needs to become a federal holiday.

  22. A wonderful tribute. I was teaching that day...my assistant came in and told me I was just in disbelief and had to keep a cheerful disposition about myself for the children...then driving home listening to reports on the radio--I just pulled over and cried. The events were horrific and one thing I can never forget was the unified feeling the country had.

  23. luckily I didn't lose anyone I know. I was in high school when it happened and in gym class. They had everyone go to different classrooms to watch the news.

  24. Thank you for putting this together - I feel that I didn't do enough for 9/11 this year. I was in the city that day and I lost two friends from college. I could see the smoke all the way uptown and walked to metro north in Harlem to leave the city. I will never forget.

  25. During these tragic times and after them, acceptance is the biggest part indeed. We all will never forget this day nor shall we I feel. Thanks for sharing.

  26. It was a very difficult day. The 9/11 Memorial is very powerful and moving if anyone gets a chance to get down there. Really beautiful.

  27. Such a beautiful and touching haiku. No one can forget that horrible day. Thousands of innocent lives were lost in no time. My prayers and tribute to the victims and their families.

  28. That is a very beautiful tribute. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing at the time of those horrific events.

  29. I was in college when it happened. I worked for the college newspaper so we had a lot we were discussing. Plus one of ouran agers was from Brooklyn and my graphics guy lost his uncle in the crash in PA

  30. I had received I don't even know how many calls , are you ok are you o, get in the basement.. I was scared because of everything going on, but then thinking about my Father Jesus put me at ease.... its sad what happened here God wants us to love one another not kill one another.........

  31. Definitely a painful day to remember but what can we do. We must all face the fact that there are cruel persons in this world and pray that our kids do not perish or even get the chance to be in touch with one of these people.

  32. Definitely a day I will never forget.This is a very beautiful tribute.

  33. Very nice tribute. I don't think any of us will forget where we were on that day. Sad sad day for the world!

  34. This is such a tragic thing that happened and it does effect those left behind. You go thru all the stages but in the end you still feel like you lost a part of yourself. I know because I lost my son in a tragic accident and he does live in my heart. God helped me through but I still feel like I lost part of me. thank you for sharing and God Bless you all


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