Welcome to the The Ultimate Linky's Google+ Linky Party!
Welcome back to Week Three of our Wednesday Link Up Party. This month I'm the co-host on Wednesdays along with Tammy from The Ultimate Linky where this party runs every month. Our goal is to reach as many people who wish to expand their connections and meet new people by linking up every week. Join in so you can continue to get new followers!
There are two linkies in this party! You can do just one or both linkies if you wish. On the first linky, you will link up your Google+ URL from your Google+ profile or page so that others can add you to their circles. On the second linky, link up the URL of a status from Google+ that you would like to receive some more interaction (a comment, +1, or maybe even a share!)
Please add Tammy from The Ultimate Linky and me to one of your circles on Google+, add the button to your sidebar or party page, and then link up and follow the directions for who to circle/interact with!
Here is the button that you can add to your sidebar or party page. We also appreciate any shares that you could give about this party! Thank you for your help in spreading the word!
If you would like to have a google+ post shared, link up the url for that post below. The same rules as above apply except you only have to do the two links above yours. I will make sure I do the last link(s).
Another Reminder: Again, if you would like to have a google+ post shared, link up the url for that post below. The same rules as above apply except you only have to do the two links above yours. I will make sure I do the last link(s)
If you have any questions or concerns, please leave me a comment below. Thank you for stopping by today!
PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs from my co-host's page.
Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet
Wow, yet another great party here! Discovered you with the help of our blogger community.