
Haiku: Gaining Perspective

"You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective." Denis Waitley 

Is the world flat? Gaining Perspective of the road and sky

Useless arguments...
Road meets Sky. Is the world flat?
Gain some perspective

Thoughtful perspective
Is that Blue Sky or Blue Sea?
What's your perspective?

Authentic cadence
Rising or falling rhythms
Deceptive voice shows...

A flawed perspective
Letting our failures rule us...
Lets go, rise Phoenix!

 This week, the prompt is: Useless  and Cadence

What is a haiku?
 As Leo of Haiku Heights aptly explains, a haiku is a three line poem. It shows what the author wants us to understand from it, rather than tell it directly. The limitation to a haiku is seventeen syllables. It can be at maximum, that much. If you wish to go by the traditional Japanese structure even with English haiku, you can use a 5-7-5 syllable, or 3-5-3 syllable structure


 As we start the month of February, we have a new Nablopomo word to focus on - Perspective. How do we develop it? What do we gain from having a negative/positive/neutral perspective? What is real? Truth? False? It's all in the perspective we take and no one can take that away from us.   For this exercise, I have merged my thoughts on the subject with two words from our weekly haiku at Haiku Heights - Useless and cadence. Hmm mm. What comes to mind when you think of both words? What do you think of my interpretation haiku? If you are interested in joining the February Challenge, there are a few tips to remember:
1) The NaBloPoMo February 2014 theme is "Perspective"
2) The NaBloPoMo writing prompts are Fantastic
3)  NaBloPoMo has added a photography component to its theme and prompts
4)  I'm doing NaBloPoMo, and I'd LOVE some company.

There is more below

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius 

What is beyond the Sharpened pencil? What perspective do you gain from it?

Beyond the Pencil
Is there light or deep darkness
What's my perspective?

Sharpen your pencil
Find harmony in your life
Draw the stream of hope

When promises fail
Sharpen the stub, swim ashore
Clear streams find their path...

Gain some perspective
If the pencil fits, use it.
If not, then say ... NEXT

I'm back to bloging this month and the distraction and demands have diminished somewhat... I'll do my best for this little engine that could blog and hope to bring you more haiku and other pieces of  writing.  Share your thought with me in the comment section. Thanks again!

 Some Food for Thought: What are you struggling with? What helps you gain perspective? If you could change one thing about something that continues to bother you, what would it be? Happy February! Love and Peace!

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: Lasseter Highway, Sharpened Pencil, via Wikipedia.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
 Mirth and Motivation
 Positive Kismet


  1. Those are some great ones!

    Michelle F.

  2. i enjoy a good Haiku I participate in a Monday Haiku challenge every week so much fun

  3. Thanks for explaining what a Haiku is. I have seen the term before and had no idea what it meant. Hahahahh... the Little Engine That Could Blog.

  4. I haven't read a Haiku in a while, now I'll be thinking of some. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. I have never heard about Haiku before, you have sparked my interest now! :)

  6. This is a very fitting first blog read of the morning. I can always gain some inspiration from reading your haikus.

  7. Great photos. I haven't written or read a haiku in a while. This is awesome!

  8. Oh I love Haikus. Thinking maybe I should share these with my class as I know some of my students would enjoy them just as much as me. Thanks for sharing I loved the read.

  9. The first time I had ever heard of Haiku was through homeschooling. I've never tried writing one before. Maybe I will sometime.

  10. I love Haiku! I learned all about it in Creative Writing class in high school. Long, long time ago! Thank you for these beautiful Haikus!

  11. I hadn't read any Haiku before, that is really inspiring! Thanks so much! Will be bookmarking your blog and checking back!

  12. I love writing exercises that stretch the mind. :) Great job!

  13. I love haikus, but only really read them if I happen across them on a blog. Thanks for sharing this one.

  14. Never heard of Haiku before so thank you for explaining .

  15. I haven't hear a Haiku in quite a few years, it was rather nice to read and so full of color, thanks for sharing!

  16. well, absolutely true! Perspective makes all the difference. And what a better way to say it other than through Haiku? short and sweet! Love it, thanks :)

  17. Well thought out and written Haiku's. I sometimes think some up when I'm driving but then promptly forget to write them down when I get home--

  18. This is great! It has been a very long time since I have even thought about a Haiku or writing one.

  19. Laughter gives me perspective !
    Live reading haiku but not venturing to write it

  20. Lovely, thank you for sharing! I don't look at poetry as often as I should and I don't know why it's very enjoyable and I will be making an attempt to start again!

  21. It is always hard to gain perspective on something, but it is something that is needed. Thanks for the great post!

  22. Thanks for explaining what a haiku is. I enjoyed it.

  23. We studied Haiku in high school and college English. That was the one and only English subject I struggled with. I am just not very good at them. lol.

  24. Ive always been confused how a haiku works. I like this haiku and the photos to go along.

  25. This is awesome! I had no clue what it was until I read your post. I myself am changing something in my life...I am eliminating somone all together.

  26. Great Haikus. I have never really been able to write something like that. My brain just gets stuck. These are great!

  27. Thanks for explaining the Haiku I forgot what it was. You write some good ones

  28. Thanks for sharing these! I haven't seen any haikus in a good bit.

  29. I have missed reading a good haiku - they are such a cleaver way to put things together. x

  30. I have always struggled with understanding Haiku's. I am not sure why but I keep trying. I am not sure at this moment what I would change, things are pretty good for my family at the moment.

  31. I remember doing Haiku in school! Mine were always so terrible lol. I do think yours are great!

  32. It's been so long since I've written a haiku. They are so much fun and very creative.

  33. You are a very talented writer. Thank you for sharing some of your poems.

  34. Those are all very nice ones. THanks for sharing.

  35. I LOVE Beyond the pencil haiku. Great inspiration!

  36. It's so nice to see you "here" and to enjoy the beauty of haiku. Perspective takes time. And distance from where we stand today. I think some of us, speaking for myself, need a LOT of time to get that perspective, but when it comes, I'm grateful!

  37. What a lovely Haiku. It's so important to put things in perspective from time to time.

  38. My favorite : "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius Thank you so much for sharing I really enjoyed.

  39. To answer your question - If you could change one thing about something that continues to bother you, what would it be?

    Moving forward and away from people that constantly cause unnecessary drama in one's life. As the saying goes...Life is too short.

  40. Oh i see - no wonder haiku seem familiar to me - now, I know what it actually is. Love how you get to have only few words to it yet brings so much profound meaning.

  41. I really like the idea of sharpening the pencil. It kinda hit home with me this morning. Haiku poetry is really neat. I remember learning it in school.

  42. I had no idea what Haiku was. Thanks for the education

  43. I remember writing some Haiku! Love the depth of your post :)

  44. These are really good.. I like the pencil one the best! Well done!

  45. These are great! The photos are eye catching but the words are wow1! they are really great! I will be sopping by to read more!

  46. I haven't read haiku in quite some time. You actually did some nice ones there. Thanks for sharing.

  47. These are great and I love the photos that go along with them! They're really inspirational and make me want to write a Haiku; though, they aren't my forte.

  48. I love reading the haiku on your blog. Thank you so much for sharing,


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