
Haiku: Honoring All Mothers Stories

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou 

 Mother's Day comes soon
We praise Anne Jarvis wisdom
Each tale a lovesong

This week, the prompt is: DaredevilStory

What is a haiku?
 As Leo of Haiku Heights aptly explains, a haiku is a three line poem. It shows what the author wants us to understand from it, rather than tell it directly. The limitation to a haiku is seventeen syllables. It can be at maximum, that much. If you wish to go by the traditional Japanese structure even with English haiku, you can use a 5-7-5 syllable, or 3-5-3 syllable structure

“Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.” Erich Fromm

Honor your Mother
Today and every day too
Mom's love forever...

 Today, the words are: Mother's Day, Strength

What is Carpe DiemBlog Owner, Kristjaan Panneman,  describes it as:  "a weblog on haiku. It's a new daily haiku meme where you can write a classical or non-classical haiku on a given prompt. Haiku is an ancient Japanese poetry form. A haiku has three short lines and describes a short moment (as short as the sound of a pebble thrown into water). Mostly a haiku counts 5-7-5 syllables and is sometimes called 'counted verse.'"

Some Food for Thought: Do you celebrate Mother's Day? How do you see your Mom? Take a moment to contemplate what Mother mean to you? Love and Peace in 2013.

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: Mother's Day honor, via Wikipedia, or my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet


  1. Wonderful haiku. How have you been Elizabeth? Are you back?

  2. Your haikus are wonderful and I never knew the history behind Mother's Day thank you for that =)

  3. So that's the history of Mother's Day! Good to know :)

  4. very interesting...now i know the history of mom's day!

  5. i thank my hubby and kids for giving me the honor to be a mom :) it's because of them that i celebrate mothers' day with all the other mothers out there. :)

  6. It's interesting to know the history of this celebration. It's really nice of Anna to remember her mother in that way.

  7. So that's the story of mother's day. Her mother must have done a lot of good to be tributed like that.

  8. belated happy mother's day to all the mommies out there..

  9. Yes we do and it's the best Mother's day I had. Being able to spend it with my whole family and my siblings is the best gift I ever had.

    I love my mother so much and she's an inspiration for me. Mothers have great hearts and can sacrifice her own happiness for her kids and family.

  10. Welcome back! This is such great haiku, thanks for sharing:)

  11. Although honoring mothers should be all-year round, we're still thankful for having Mother's Day in May so there's more reason to celebrate moms and all they represent :)

  12. thanks for Anne Jarvis because of her we are now celebrating mother's day :)

  13. Thanks for sharing the history of mother's day. I always get my mom white carnations whenever I can (she passed away six years ago)

  14. Happy Mother's Day to you Eliz and it's great to see you again at BC Bloggers!

  15. So, that's the story of Mother's day! Now, I know! :) Thanks for sharing.

  16. Now I know who to thank for Mother's day. Thanks for the beautiful post and the lovely poem you wrote.

  17. My Mother was my life and I miss her.

  18. i shared this on my face book..

  19. Thanks for sharing Mother's Day's origin. I didn't know about the red and white carnations.

  20. I used to believe that Mother's Day is just a marketing ploy. However, I do believe that mothers deserve that one day - not to "buy" into companies' gimmicks - but to rest and spend quality time with family.

  21. Seeing your haiku posts reminds me of my seminar last week. I am teaching this in the high school. Mine will be in Filipino. I hope you can share Filipino haikus too so I can include it in my lesson . :)

  22. so that's how mother's day started. i never knew the history until i read your post. thanks. this is a very nice post dedicated to all mothers out there. truly, a mother's love is forever. :-)

  23. Such a powerful message! Makes me proud and blessed to be a mom. :)

  24. Salute to all moms out there. Love your poem about MOMS!

  25. Yes, Maya Angelou did say it right. It's easier to unburden ourselves by saying all our untold stories. It is liberating plus thanks to Anne Jarvis for Mother's Day.

  26. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou

    i can feel the birth pain of that line. brilliantly written!

  27. I'm reading again this post for CommEx 2, and I just felt sadness for Maya Angelou when I read again her quote. If you read her story, you would feel for her.

  28. Mothers' are the light of the home and her voice soothing for everyone. Though it is not Mothers' Day we should always give due credits for their hard works.

  29. I was reminded of what Haiku is back when I was in highshool. Thanks for the info.

    I started to value my mom more when I started to become a mom too. Now I understand her, how hard it is to become one, she may not be perfect but I love her so much and appreciate how she raised me well.

    MomMy Hanny

  30. Your mother would cry as she sees your blog for sure. the way you express how you appreciate her is touching.

  31. So touching! Another wonderful haiku!

  32. Thank you all for your feedback... I must confess that the haiku could be better and I will rework them and update the post... So much going on offline and grateful for the comments and support. Blessings to all of you! :-)

  33. I just read this again, Eliz. I must have looked over it before but now, Erich Fromm's poem tugged my heart!

  34. we don't eat out these days so we merely ordered take out for mother's day. i was lucky my mom was in town for the entire summer so we were able to celebrate with her. :) these haikus are lovely. i wish i was this poetic.

  35. i miss seeing your post Elizabeth.

  36. So this is how Mother's day started pala. How about father's day? hehehe

  37. Loved reading this input Eliz. It's really nice to know a snippets about poetry you know.

  38. Thanks to Ms. Anne Jarvis for her effort to honor the mothers through Mother's Day celebration. Now, mother's Day is being celebration around the world.

  39. I never knew the history of Mother's Day until now, thanks to you! :)

  40. interesting, history of Mother's Day! Thank you that there is such a special day for a most special person in our life!!!

  41. I hope you can provide more haikus next time. :)


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