
Haiku: Spring & Cats In Love...

“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”  Albert Schweitzer

Haiku: Spring & Cats In Love...

 Cats in love
A glimpse of heaven
Time well spent...

Today, the words are: Onitsura's (Spring Haze), Neko no Koi (Cats in Love)

What is Carpe DiemBlog Owner, Kristjaan Panneman,  describes it as:  "a weblog on haiku. It's a new daily haiku meme where you can write a classical or non-classical haiku on a given prompt. Haiku is an ancient Japanese poetry form. A haiku has three short lines and describes a short moment (as short as the sound of a pebble thrown into water). Mostly a haiku counts 5-7-5 syllables and is sometimes called 'counted verse.'"

More Below!

"Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems." Rainer Maria Rilke

Haiku: Spring & Cats In Love...

Morning haze
Fawn and Fauna roam
Spring gardens...

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Some Food for Thought: Do you have memories of events that include any of these words? Have you ever been called  Courageous?  Take a moment to contemplate what  Spring Haze,  and Cats in Love mean to you? Love and Peace in 2013.

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs: Cats, Cherry treeFawn, via Wikipedia, or my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet


  1. As a cat lover, this was perfect for haiku... Spring is always a great time for me. Summer's too hot and winter's too cold.

  2. Time well spent... with love!

  3. I wish there's spring here too. Summer is here already :)

    Mommy Maye2

  4. Such a beautiful take on cats in love; the picture complements the haiku and vice versa

  5. i love cats and what you wrote are soo true.

  6. Oh these animal couple photos are cute! I love Rilke! :D

  7. I'm not very fond of cats, but I know them to be malambing (I think).

  8. I love the first photo. I agree, it's really a glimpse of heaven.

  9. Great shots, lovely haiku carrying scent of spring.

  10. It was already summer. I hope there is also 4 seasons here in our country.

  11. cute cats... spring is an inspiration for brightness...

  12. Aww, sweet kitty love photo you got there..

  13. i like that cat's in love photo

  14. I just love photos of animals showing affection. These two look really cozy in their basket.

  15. i love the first picture of the two cats. lovely! ♥

  16. Beautiful haiku to complement the beautiful photos

  17. im not really a cat lover... but this haiku is really nice... :-)

    Cats in love
    A glimpse of heaven
    Time well spent...

  18. im not really a cat lover... but this haiku is really nice... :-)

    Cats in love
    A glimpse of heaven
    Time well spent...

  19. i like the photo of the cats (though i'm not a cat person). lol

  20. I wish we have 4 seasons here, too :). The transition from winter to spring must be dramatic. Love your pixes by the way and the prose that went with them :)

  21. Lovely picture of the cats.. Great Haiku of spring.

  22. I have never been much of a cat lover

  23. The CATS IN LOVE photo looks nice and cool. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  24. I'm not very fond of cats, but that photo just made me melt. :-)

  25. Those are adorable cats. Really cute.

  26. It's lovely to know that even animals have romantic moments as well.

  27. I love it you make very nice haikus

  28. I love all your haiku's, and I love Cats so this just perfect combination.:)

  29. Love the snapshot of the cats. Perfect reminder for those who are in love.

  30. The cats are so cute and they are also clingy! :)

  31. lovely! made me miss our furball, bo... *sigh*

  32. cute. i own a cat and a dog before but all of them were now gone. :(

  33. Love the pucture of the cats! I have a british short hair and my son has a barn cat. The picture instantly remibds me of them!


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