
Autumn Photos: Falling in Love with Fall Again…

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."  John Muir
Halsey Pond in the Fall

Autumn Brook by Olegas Kurasovas

Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year.  Isn't it? It welcomes what I like to call the 2nd half of the four seasons that most of us enjoy around the world. I never tire of watching the foliage change colors in the fall and, on any given day, you can look around you and see nature perfectly coordinating and combining shades of gold, red, browns, orange, yellow and variations on those shades and, of course, the evergreens.

A few other things that make fall so precious is the harvest, the abundance of fall foods, and the many holidays that fall during this time of year; Halloween, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. There is a beautiful park in my village, Halsey Park, and it has such wonderful life forms and changing leaf colors that you can't help but want to visit it again and again for a walk and to reflect on the beauty of nature.  As Yoko Ono said in a wonderful quote "...Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence..." 

Mama's Losin' It

For this week's prompt, MamaKat has given us a selection of excellent questions to answer and while I am tempted to ramble on about each one, I will stick with autumn as it's the perfect theme for this time of the year... that is before the snow blows in and covers everything with its soft, blanket of white.

The Prompts:
1.) Have you ever had a fight with a long time best friend and never made up? Do you think about her from time to time and think about contacting her? What would you say? What if it didn't work out? What if it did?
2.) The perfect fall photo...share a picture that defines fall for you in your neck of the woods.
3.) CONTROVERSY! Are the new security measures performed by the TSA really that bad? Take a stance!
4.) What inspires you to write?
5.) "If you could relive any moment in your life, what moment would you choose?  Write about it."

Naturally, I chose #2 and must admit that I couldn't help but add a few more than the requisite one picture. As I sifted through both my personal collection and the gorgeous photographs I gleaned from National Geographic, I had to share a few more with you... See the rest of my photos below and do share what you love visually about fall.

"Youth is like spring, an over praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits." Samuel Butler
Overlord-l'Assaut in France
Floating Leaves and Needles by Sam Abell

You can't enjoy a weekend fall day without adding a few words of wisdom from a good book left on the  kitchen shelf or on your living room coffee table. There are so many odes written in honor of autumn/fall that when I did a quick Google search, I came up with ...1,420,000! Yes, even I was impressed.  Can you imagine hundreds of years of joyous proclamations about the bounty of fall? Not so surprising then, right?

Since there were so many to pick from, I have shared a few poems in honor of the season below for your enjoyment. In a few weeks, old man winter will seize the day and keep us spellbound with freezing, frosty cold weather and some inches of snow.

For now, at least in New York, we are still enjoying the remnants of fall as the colorful leaves bid us good bye and get swept away by huge trucks with gigantic metal teeth.  Do you have a favorite Autumn poem or saying you'd like to share? Please let me know when you leave a comment below.
Equinox Flowers by Danuta Lacka

A bit of color in Caen

Autumn Days by Will Carleton

Yellow, mellow, ripened days,
Sheltered in a golden coating;
O'er the dreamy, listless haze,
White and dainty cloudlets floating;
Winking at the blushing trees,
And the sombre, furrowed fallow;
Smiling at the airy ease,
Of the southward flying swallow
Sweet and smiling are thy ways,
Beauteous, golden Autumn days.
October's Party by George Cooper
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

Natagiri Pass Path by Michael Yamashita
Parc De La Nation, Paris

 Autumn Leaves by Johnny Mercer 
Les Feuilles Mortes with lyrics by poet Jacques Prevért. 
The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall.

What do you do to celebrate the shifting seasons? What is fall like in your part of the world? Do you have a favorite time of the year? Do Share. Thank you!

Halsey Pond in the Fall  via my collection
Overlord-l'Assaut in France via my collection
A bit of color in Caen via my collection
Parc De La Nation, Paris  via my collection
Autumn Brook by Olegas Kurasovas via National Geographic
Floating Leaves and Needles by Sam Abell via National Geographic
Equinox Flowers by Danuta Lacka via National Geographic
Natagiri Pass Path by Michael Yamashita via National Geographic

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank


  1. Love the fall pictures!

    Stopping by from Hop Along Friday. I’m already following you but I wanted to invite you to join our blog hop, Feed Me Friday. We would also love being added to your blog hop list. There is a button on my blog for it. Hope you’ll stop by. Thanks!


  2. Happy Friday! I gave you an award today ....


  3. http://crazymagicbeautifullife.blogspot.com/

    newest follower, would love for you to follow back!

  4. Thanks for the follow from yesterday at the Friends Cafe! Love that you joined us! :) I am now your newest follower!

  5. New follower from the blog hop :)


  6. What beautiful photos! I love all of the beauty of autumn as well.

    Have a great weekend, thanks for joining us for Friendly Friday!

  7. I love Autumn. In my area it's a pretty ephemeral time of year, where the brilliant colors could last from a month or two to a few weeks when the trees are utterly bare and they grey dullness of winter sets in. There's something comforting about the turning of the leaves and the smell of Fall.

    (hopped over from Eccentric Delirium's hop - http://vagabondcarnival.blogspot.com/ )

  8. Happy Hop Along Friday from Anna, The Pilot's Wife at http://www.pilotwife.blogspot.com/
    Happy to be following you now!

  9. Beautiful pictures! I love fall!

    Thanks for linking up to Welcome Weekend last week. Sorry it took me so long :-) I was already following you via GFC, but now am also following via Networked Blogs.

    Have a great weekend!


  10. BEAUTIFUL photos! Thank you for popping by my blog and being so encouraging. I look forward to reading more from you as well!

  11. Im your newest follower from the blog hop. Come on by and follow back ! Don't forget to leave a comment and enter the giveaway :)


  12. sorry it took so long for me to find you :) I LOVE your blog, pictures and posts and am now following you on Twitter and Networked blogs. You can check me out here:

  13. Following you from the Super 7 Blog Hop!


  14. blog hopp'in
    I'm a new follower
    Copper Llama Studio
    would you follow back?

  15. Thanks for the visit, we use the same template designer, though I like yours better.
    Thanks for stopping by http://www.Blogger Broadcast.com

    I am following your blog. :-)

  16. Fall is my favorite time of year!!

    Thanks for stopping by and linking up at my blog hop! I am following you now.

  17. New follower from Smile With Saturday blog hop.

    I'm a new follower, and thought your post about autumn was lovely.

    question #1 gave me some thought and I might write a post about it in the next week.

    have a great weekend!

  18. Amazing pics! The whole season holds a beauty that is astounding. You captured nature exploding in color, yet maintained a peacefulness too. Great post!

  19. I agree! Autumn in my area is so pretty too!!

  20. Love the pics!

    I'm hopping through from the blog hop! Following you via GFC

    Critique of the Unique

  21. Hi! I'm a new follower from Lucas Blog hop. I love the fall photos.. it's starting to look a lot like winter outside my windows.


  22. Hi there Im your newest follower from The Say Hi Sunday Blog hop..I;d love for you to come by and visit / follow me back at http://beachbabys.blogspot.com/ hope to see you there! Happy Holidays!

  23. Hi! New follower from Feed Me Friday! You can visit me at mymodernguide.blogspot.com


  24. New Follower from Making Friends Monday!

  25. beautiful ....I am blog hopping and found your blog. I am now following your blog. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!!

  26. Those pictures are gorgeous! I wish we had more of a fall here in Texas. We have hot and cold...not much in between!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog hop today at Family Friendly Frugality!
    I have another blog hop that happens later tonight, it generally has a lot more participation!

  27. Happy Holidays!
    Buone vacanze!
    Joyeuses Fêtes!
    أعيادا سعيدة!
    С праздником!
    تعطیلات مبارک!
    हैप्पी छुट्टियाँ!
    ¡Felices Fiestas!
    גליקלעך האָלידייַס!
    Շնորհավոր Տոն!
    Boas festas!
    Happy Holidays everyone and thank you for your comments!


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