

HAPPY NEW YEAR! In a previous post elsewhere; see my WordPress blog post I reference here, I had offered my tips for a productive 2009. In case you have already forgotten, I will revisit them with new comments below.

The whole point of even bothering to put a list of goals together is that it serve as a reminder to follow through on your PLAN of ACTION. It is now time to put down the mojitos and refocus on your goals vis a vis your plan of action.

Goals are like giant seeds waiting for someone to plant them, water and nurture them, show up regularly to watch the trees grow, fight off obstacles/diseases, and eventually show up to pluck the abundant fruit hanging off those massive tree limbs. Where are you in your 2009 goals in action conversation?

My tree analogy is meant as a visual aid to help get the message across that beautifully written New Year resolutions are simply not worth the paper they are written on if a plan of action or execution doesn't take place.

I must admit that it is a popular convention, at the beginning of a new year, to rattle off a list or buy calendars/journals that give us space to speculate on what to do in the new year, however, words without actions are like..... add your cliche or creative comment here___________

My recommended tips or game plan for a phenomenally productive 2009 will include the following:

Maintain a spirit of optimism; remember you are in charge of your attitude and a positive attitude will help you far more than one filled with negativity and doubt. The gift of life means we get another chance to do good.

Keep your resolutions simple and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely). Sheets of paper with loads of bombastic goals will derail your good intentions fast. Keep the list short and sweet and then add new goals as you accomplish the items on your list. Action is key!

Be consistent with your plan to exercise, read, serve your community or do more of whatever else is on your list. Hold yourself accountable for decisions you make and the actions you take to bring positive change in your life. Forget the guilt and start today anyway...

Manage your ups and downs by taking time to de-stress your life. Take a walk around your neighborhood, catch a movie with friends/family, call an old friend who always made you laugh, go dancing or take a yoga class and clear your mind of the clutter. De clutter and De-stress.

Learn something new and open your heart and mind to new experiences. You can learn a new skill, a foreign language, a board or video game, a tasty dish to prepare, an interesting area/country to visit or even a new improved look for you. The point is to break out of the monotony and increase your realm of opportunity for NEW possibilities. Join an online social network.

Share your largesse by giving back to others in your community. What do you do well? Share your skills and good fortune with those in need and you will already be on your way to making a difference in 2009. Volunteer some time at a local charity.

If your business has suffered in the last year, look for new ways to revitalize your bottom line. Have you considered emerging markets or new market areas you can serve best? Re-evaluate your marketing efforts and look at ways to create a marketing message that is in sync with the needs of our times. Don't close the marketing door, look for creative approaches.

Make sincere, self-assessment a close companion this year. For invariably, what we resist persists; so take the time to look honestly at the areas in your life that need attention and take care to resolve any pressing personal matters. Applaud your strengths while resolving your weaknesses.

After all, we cannot be fully present in our exchanges with others if our private world is falling apart. Being present and positive isn’t about glossing over reality, it is about facing your fears/problems with a CAN-Do spirit and making necessary, inevitable changes. Change takes courage; embrace it!

I trust we can all take responsibility for our lives and just take ACTION… let's go DO IT!

This is Day Eleven and you have 354 more days/opportunities for success.
Here’s to an awesome 2009… Get up NOW!

Until Next Time...
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank

1 comment:

  1. In a few weeks, on January 1, 2014, this blog will 5 years old. We've come a long way baby. :-)


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